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Writer's pictureRuvim Kharitonenko

"Do you not remember?"

Updated: Jan 10

Jesus, at the beginning of Mark chapter 8, had compassion for the people. He had compassion because they were with Him for three days and had nothing to eat. He does a miracle by feeding 4,000 people and also 5,000 men in the 6th chapter. Later, He warns them about taking part of the leaven of the Pharisees and Herod, but His disciples misunderstand Him. They begin to talk about how they have forgotten to bring with them bread. Jesus rebukes them and tells them, "Why are you discussing the fact that you have no bread? Do you not yet perceive or understand? Are your hearts hardened? 18 Having eyes do you not see, and having ears do you not hear? And do you not remember?" (Mark 8:17-18 ESV)

Yes, you read this correctly. The disciples of Jesus Christ just watched Him feed approximately 4,000 people and a little earlier, about 5,000 men (not counting women and children), and yet, they "forget" what God has done. This reminds me of the Israelites. The Israelites saw so many miracles, yet their hearts were hardened because of their disbelief. Jesus tells His disciples, "Having eyes do you not see, and having ears do you not hear?" Jesus told the same word to the Pharisees and Scribes. So, what happened to Jesus' disciples that they "forgot" about what God has done?

I believe that one of the most crucial answers to this question is that their hearts were hardened. Earlier, we read how the hearts of the disciples were hardened. They were hardened because of disbelief and misunderstanding. Yes, after Jesus rose from the dead and when they were empowered by the Holy Spirit, their hearts were no longer hardened. They were no longer ashamed of Jesus. They no longer lacked so much faith. They no longer struggled with boldness. But, this happened after Jesus rose from the dead and the Holy Spirit came down upon them.

So, how can we apply this text to our lives? There are two key takeaways for us here. 1) How often and quickly do I forget what God has done in my life. No more than a week has passed after Jesus fed the 4 thousand, and His disciples already are in “fear, chaos, uncertainty, and unbelief." They saw with their own eyes these miracles, but for some reason, their hearts were hardened. Did they already forget what God did? I need monuments in my life that I am able to look back to in time of need and hopelessness. I need to write down my answered prayers and when God worked in my life. Doing these practical things will help you when you are in a tough spot and when you have doubts. No matter what you feel like or what you have been through, the word of God remains the same! Praise God for that. God, Himself remains the same! So, remind yourself what God has done in your life. Go to the word of God when you face confusion, uncertainty, fear, loneliness, hopelessness, and doubt. Also, remember to keep your eyes on Jesus! Right when you take them off to look at someone or something else, you will begin to "drown." Peter faced the same problem when he looked towards the waves and not at Jesus.

The second key takeaway for us is that I must learn how to hear and understand Jesus the way He wants me to. Jesus was warning them about a greater “danger”, but yet His disciples took it from the human perspective. Jesus saw what may come ahead of them, and so He warns. We (I), sometimes live like we got it on our own. I sometimes think that I can figure it out on my own and everything will be fine. Every time I do, I fail. Every time I try taking "God's" position in my life, I miserably fail. God should have true Lordship over us. He is not only our Savior, Father, and Freind, but He is also our Lord! We need to remember this! Knowing this, when God speaks to us through His word, we need to be very attentive to the Holy Spirit. If the truth rebukes or corrects us, we need to accept it. We cannot change the word of God to fit our needs, feelings, and culture. We need to change ourselves according to the word of God. What helps me with this is that I pray to God before I read the Word. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you and to open your eyes to the truth. Ask that you may have a soft heart that is able to change and be more Christ-like.

I hope this short blog post encouraged you to live out the Word in your life. I hope you are more eager to read God's word and are ready to accept whatever the Lord has in store for you. Don't forget what God has done in your life. Write them down; miracles, answered prayers, and when God spoke to you through His word. Also, keep your eyes on Jesus. Finally, be attentive to the Holy Spirit in your life. Let the truth change you, not you changing the truth. What helps me is to pray before reading God's word. God bless you all!

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